Friday, October 27, 2006

a little reminder

Everyone's busy these days. The world has developed into this system where time is more than gold, and everything must be delivered-fast. Everything happens so fast, we dont realize that years pass by in a blur. We are all too busy working and making sure we've done all our errands. We are too preoccupied worrying if all the bills are paid, if the whole family's insured, or if youve already saved up enough for retirement or if you have enough money to cover for the engagement ring, the wedding, and the marriage itself (and, in later years, a marriage counselor). We are also busy meeting deadlines in school, or shopping for things that cheer us up. Most of us are too busy wishing the day or week was over so we could get the few hours of sleep we so rightfully deserve. The minutes go by unnoticed. The hours turn into days, then months. The months fly by into years. And someday, we'll see that our years went by unused. Our time went by unappreciated. It is only in the rare moments when all of a sudden, we find ourselves with nothing to do. When its as if you need someone to comfort you, but you feel that no one can realy understand you. Never have you felt so alone, in spite of everything you possess. Its that day when you grab a bottle of beer or wine and look out your window, staring at the city, at the sky, wondering what the hell went wrong. You begin to miss the things that once made you happy. The things you let slip away because you were too busy living. You then realize that you might have been working too hard that you've pushed your husband away, or that youve been tailing your boyfriend too much that youve forgotten about your friends. Maybe youve been spending too much time with your friends and fail to see that your parents miss the weekend trips your family would always take. That maybe your siblings miss the late night pig-out sessions. or maybe youve been working so hard that you have no time to even catch your breath and relax. Now ,you feel tired. You long for those things you miss. If you dwell long on this, you'll end up suffering from depression. But if you understand all this perfectly, you'll know what to do.

Surprise your husband with a romantic night out. Go to karaoke night with your friends. Cook lunch for your folks, throw a pajama party for your siblings and eat all the junk food you can get. Go to the spa and get a massage. Treat yourself to something nice. Take time to read that novel you've had at your bedside table but never really touched. Go to church. It doesnt really matter what you do, its the happiness you derive from it that matters. Its the happiness and contentment you get from the ones you love.

We only get to live each day once. Wouldnt it be nice to look back one day and say that we spent our days well?

We only get to live our lives once. Lets try to make it a good one.


Dr. Vain said...

yeah.. as i have learned, life's too short.. might as well make the most of what's left of it. :)

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